Opinions May Vary

Hello again!

Episode 23 is in the books and comes with the Colin Vigneault stamp of approval!

Colin joined us this week to discuss the New 52: One Year Later, The Playstation All Stars Battle Royale Beta, Daredevil and the recent news about the movie rights, and of course the weekly question!

We’re pumped to have Colin back this week. His excitement for recording rejuvenates us tired old men and he always keeps us on our toes with spur-of-the-moment questions and outside the box thinking. Big thanks to him for joining us again!

As usual, check us out on Twitter @OMVPodcast and on Facebook at facebook.com/opinionsmayvary

Until next week!

                Jayare, Alex, & Colin

Direct download: 8.21.2012_Episode_23.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:45am EST

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