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Seymour has been a mutual friend of ours for a long time and really it's unacceptable that we've gone this long without having him on the show. Luckily, he was nice enough to forgive us. So. Here are a few things you should know about him: He once wore a watch that only told time in Binary. He owns more bandanas than you. And not only is he a wizard with a crescent wrench, but he also has his own webcomic. (If you look close enough in some strips, you might notice some familiar faces....) Once you hear the flash questions he hits us with you'll understand why he's been a friend for so long.

I've been stuck in bed almost all week with a revolting virus. I didn't even know they cast someone as Wonder Woman until we started discussing it in pre-show. I know, right? It's amazing how  being sick can really cut you off from the world. Every time I left my bedroom I felt like Robin Williams in Jumanji. I had no sense of time, my head was pounding, and more importantly I completely missed out on all the news that was going down this week. Next time my body decides to get sick right when the Holiday season starts I'm literally going to punch it in the balls. Literally.

Oh, don't worry. I saw the midseason finale of Walking Dead and it was glorious. I've been pretty harsh on the show this season due to it being some of the most boring, useless, dogshit ever produced; but I'll gladly deal with the dogshit if it means I get consistent finales like the one they just aired. I'm not going to go into much detail to avoid spoilers but honestly it's worth powering through to get to the end. You can do it. Never give up. Trust your insincts. (OH SHIT STAR FOX REFERENCE)


Direct download: 12.6.2013_Episode_90.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:16pm EST

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