Sat, 27 February 2021
You're going to want to set yourself a reminder for March 2nd. I realize that doesn't make any sense at the moment, but bear with me because this week we're talking about a rad little card game called "Doomlings". To put it simply, Doomlings is described as "A delightful card game for the end of the world" and it's coming to Kickstarter soon on, you guessed it, March 2nd!
We're especially psyched about this one because while Doomlings is cute and easy to learn, it's also surprisingly strategic and we had the absolute pleasure of talking with two of the developers, Eric McCoy and Justus Meyer, all about the creation, development, and challenges that went into creating such a neat game about the world ending.
Alex has already posted some videos over on our Instagram showing a quick run-down of the game and some mechanics. But if you wanted to learn more be sure to check out the Doomlings website, subscribe to their newsletter and keep your eyes peeled for the March 2nd Kickstarter launch! Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 2.18.2021_Episode_423.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:05am EST