Fri, 16 October 2020
Well, it's October and the spooky season is here. It goes without saying that this year's season is a little different with there being a massive pandemic and all. But, even though haunted houses are closed and trick or treating is on standby, Alex and I still wanted to bring you your yearly doses of spooky to try and fill the void. We've practically covered it all over the years: haunted houses, special effects, makeup, cryptozoology, UFOs, videogames, theater. The list goes on and on. But there are a few things we have yet to cover and this week, we're going to do our best to tackle one of them. That's right, folks. Buckle up because we're dipping our metaphorical toes into the uncharted waters of true crime. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 10.16.2020_Episode_414.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:25pm EST