Opinions May Vary

Our guest this week is Derek Rosengrant and he is very good at what he does.

What he does can be seen here. For those too lazy to click the link or if you're reading this somewhere other than our website (www.omvpodcast.com), you're missing out on some of the most insane replica weaponry and costume design you'll ever see. And at only 26(!) years old, for Derek the term "sky is the limit" seems like a real understatement.

Derek got his start working on the special effects team of a few films you may have heard of (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Iron man 2, Iron man 3, and Robocop to name a few) and since then he's split off from his former employers at Legacy Effects and has started his own business alongside his partner Eric Newgard: Aurum Effects.

This week, Derek gave us the inside scoop on how Aurum came to fruition, his experiences working in the movie industry, and what it's like to work side by side with one of the most legendary video game studios on the planet. Check out their website here and keep Aurum on your radar. From the sound of things it seems like Derek and crew have big plans for the future.



Direct download: 12.17.2019_Episode_396.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:31pm EST

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