Fri, 22 November 2019
If you go to the Vixens En Garde website and check out the "About" tab you'll see the following headline: "Swordswomen swashbuckling our way through Shakespeare." If you're not already intrigued about this episode then I'm not sure what else we can do for you because it's going to be hard to beat that. Hopefully we have your attention because we have an insanely fun episode for you all this week featuring Lisa Kopitsky! When she isn't on stage performing as Athena Albrecht, Lisa acts as the creative director of Vixens En Garde which means in addition to the swordfighting and Shakespeare she also plans out the Vixen's season, decides which cast members perform at which shows, and most recently she has taken over writing new scripts and material for future shows. In short: shes a swordswoman who swashbuckles her way through Shakespeare while also doing an insane amount of planning and writing so the swashbuckling can continue. Sounds rad, right? Have a listen and you'll get to hear all about it. If you think Vixens En Garde is something you might be interested in, be sure to visit their website (linked above) and check out their schedule. With any luck they'll be performing your favorite Shakespeare play at a show near you! Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 11.18.2019_Episode_394.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:19pm EST