Wed, 10 July 2019
It's getting more and more difficult to come up with new ways of saying "our guest this week is a super talented artist and Alex and I are envious of them and their ability to create art, so we asked them to come and chat with us on our podcast". So far I have been able to manage, but I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel if you hadn't already noticed. So anyway, our guest this week is a super talented cosplayer/designer who specializes in 3D modeling and prop making. He goes by the handle "Rocket Props" and in just a few days he's going to be taking the stage as a panelist at this year's ConnectiCon! After successful panels at previous PAX East and ConnectiCon events, Rocket is headed back to Hartford alongside Vee Cosplay and The Vulgar Seamstress to present their panel: Cosplay 101: Materials for Props, Cosplay, Gaming and more! Tune in for some cosplay and design talk as well as come pre-ConnectiCon hype as we gear up for another year of anime, videogames, tabletop, and so much more. Be sure to follow Rocket on all his social medias and if you're in the Hartford area this coming weekend for the show you should consider checking out his panel! Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 7.9.2019_Episode_382.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:21pm EST