Thu, 6 June 2019
Up until last week I had never been to Brooklyn, I had never been to a designer toy convention, and I had never seen 9 inch resin figures valued in quadruple digits. I had never seen live graffiti competitions, overweight versions of my favorite childhood cereal mascots, nor had I ever eaten a slice of pizza named after Hellboy. But after attending the 2019 Five Points Festival...I can now say I've done all of those things. And more. So much more. It had been far too long since we last covered a show with our very best friend Brett Kelley. So the three of us (along with ace photographer Babs Who Takes Pictures) traveled down to Five Points and scoped out the latest in designer toys, craft beers, kaiju figures, and enamel pins. Oh lord the pins. So many pins. Check out this week's episode with Brett in the guest seat as we recap our experiences and expenditures at what could easily be considered one of the most unique and potentially expensive shows we've ever covered. Photos can be found HERE. Enjoy! -Jr
Direct download: 6.3.2019_Episode_377.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:30pm EST