Opinions May Vary

We have two returning guests this week; one from a little while ago and one from a littler while ago. Both, however, are most assuredly rad.

First up is author David (D.W.) Kann and he's here to talk about the latest volume in his "Lovecraft P.I." graphic novel series. Currently on Kickstarter, "The Curious Case of ReAnimator" takes another dive into the world of Supernatural Detective Agencies as Detective Ward Lovecraft tries to solve the mystery of a VooDoo cult deep within the infamous Black Swamp...

Spooky, right?

If you're reading this early enough, you might still have some time to check out the Kickstarter. Click the link above for more details!

Closing out the 2nd half of our show this week is Ellie Hillis because good lord did we have a great time talking with her just a few weeks ago. It seems our "Because Comics" topic couldn't be contained by a single hour-ish long episode so we took some extra time this week to put that metaphorical bow on some of the most insane moments in comics history. (For first time listeners, click the link above and check out Ellie's debut from a few episodes ago. It's worth it.)

And that's it for this week. Huge thanks to David and Ellie for being so gracious and making their return appearances. Be sure to give them a follow on the various social mediums and throw some love their way.



Direct download: 5.15.2019_Episode_374.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:06am EST

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