Sat, 11 May 2019
We haven't talked with writer/artist Rich Woodall in quite some time and that's just a travesty. If you were to grab a dictionary and look up "damn that guy is so f**king cool, talented, and insanely humble" you probably wouldn't find anything because that's more than one word. But in the OMV dictionary, you'd see a picture of Rich. Probably holding a raygun or something. Being a creator of fantastical things, Rich is currently Kickstarting his latest set of books and if you're reading this within the next 20 days or so, you still have time to get your money in. This project is a little special, too because Rich has two separate books he's looking to print and there's a good chance at least one of them might be your brand. Looking for a legendary team-up between a raygun wielding superhero and a Dragon of the Savage variety? Or how about some creepy WWII horror featuring an enlisted werewolf? If any or all of that sounds great, Rich has got you covered. Check out our chat with Rich, click the links above for our previous chats and also for some info on his Kickstarter, and be sure to stop by his table if he's ever at a convention in your area. A chat with one of the coolest guys in comics is definitely worth your time. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 5.8.2019_Episode_373.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:35pm EDT