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With the annual Free Comic Book Day quite literally upon us (like, it's today. Go out and get your books and support your LCS if you haven't already) we figured it was the perfect opportunity to talk comics. Now, this isn't the standard "Alex and Jayare talk about the same books they've been gushing about for the last 7 years." No, friends. This is much better.

This week we had the pleasure of chatting with Ellie Hillis. A graduate of Smith College, Ellie is a co-editor at Density Media, an essayist, and a comics historian who recently gave a talk at our local Nerd Nite called "That's CAPTAIN to You: The Evolution of Carol Danvers". It was at this talk that Ellie dropped the phrase "because comics" while trying to recap some of the more....problematic story lines of Captain Marvel's past.

And that got us thinking.

What are some other moments that are just so wacky the only way you can describe them is with a "because comics"? With the long and somewhat turbulent history of comics, surely there must be more, right?

So we reached out to Ellie, we put some lists together, and we put some microphones in front of our faces. The end result is an hour and twenty minutes of some of the most insane and inexplicable moments in comic book history. Because comics.




Direct download: 5.2.2019_Episode_372.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

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