Sat, 13 April 2019
There's just something amazing about talking with people at length regarding the things they love. It can be fascinating when someone has a near encyclopedic knowledge of something. Weather it's Ken with fighting games, Colin with Spider-Man, or Matthew with wrestling; I could truly sit for hours and just fire off question after question while desperately trying to keep up. Luckily for me, I have a podcast that affords me the ability to do this with these people very frequently. Hopefully they don't catch on to my ruse because I have no plans of stopping any time soon. So anyways, WrestleMania was last weekend. And WrestleMania just isn't WrestleMania unless we talk with Matthew James about it and what do you know? He just happened to be in our studio this week. Oh, and if it wasn't clear by now or from past episodes, huuuge WrestleMania spoilers ahead. Beware. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 4.10.2019_Episode_369.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 12:59am EST