Opinions May Vary

This is one of those episodes that was spawned purely off of a conversation that happened 2 hours prior to recording it. That's how you know it's going to be a good one.

While driving home from our pal Brett's art show at Comics N' More this afternoon, Alex and I had some time to reflect on some casual comic shop talk we had participated in. The premise was simple: some people think Cyclops is cool. Other people think Cyclops is not cool. Many valid points and verbal jabs later the joke was made: "Oh, well you're Cyclops apologist anyways."

Which got us thinking.

What characters within the multiple comic book universes are we apologists for? Also, what the hell does apologist mean?

The answers might shock you.



Direct download: 2.9.2019_Episode_360.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:32pm EDT

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