Sat, 26 January 2019
Ok. So I made it to Texas and back without dying which feels like a win. Despite all of the things my brain was telling me in the weeks leading up to the trip, not one of the four planes I had to take off and land in crashed. So it seems everything is coming up Jayare these days. With that out of the way we're back with our regularly scheduled programming. Joining us this week are two incredibly talented women who are currently making their mark in the YouTube world with their amazing makeup tutorial channels. Kae and Lauren aka "Killa Kae" and "Glamorous Massacre" are two artists who regularly work with Alex during the haunt season making people look beautiful and dead. Added bonus? They're also seasoned YouTube creators with dozens of tutorial and transformation videos under their respective belts. Take a peek at their channels and maybe toss a like or two their way if you dig what you see. Maybe even subscribe if you'd want to see more? I'm not quite sure how YouTube works but from what everyone else says at the end of their videos it seems like subscribing is a good thing. So maybe do that, too. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 1.26.2019_Episode_358.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:24pm EDT