Opinions May Vary

This week Alex and I decided it would be fun to welcome our dear listeners into the new year with a nice round of "Wait, that was this year??" because for whatever reason 2018 was just one of those instances where everything felt like it actually happened 3 years ago.

And in a break from all the other "Best of" lists that you're probably being flooded with, we took a different approach and discussed the things we finally got around to in 2018. Everyone has those one or five or ten things they've been meaning to do/experience and Alex and I were no exception. Did Alex finally check out that TV show he's had in his queue for the last 4 years? Was I finally able to sit down long enough to watch that 3 hour movie everyone always raves about? Tune in to find out!

Anyway, 2018 is over. 2019 is here. Let's have some fun on 52 more episodes, shall we?



Direct download: 1.5.2019_Episode_355.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:14pm EST

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