Opinions May Vary

In the 6 years we've been doing this we've had some missed connections. Sometimes a guest just doesn't pan out or maybe we couldn't get the timing quite right and eventually the idea falls apart. It happens. It's a part of the game (you know, that podcast game that apparently exists or something). At the end of the day these episodes aren't gonna make themselves so we just have to move on.

This week we thought it would be neat to kind of "revisit" some of those connections that never actually happened. I mean they were things we wanted to show you anyway...so why not talk about them, right?

Sounds fun. Also I spent a good amount of time complaining about a small, not-required subquest of a nearly perfect videogame. And that's always a good time.



Direct download: 11.24.2018_Episode_349.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 11:45am EST

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