Sat, 1 September 2018
Those OMV boys are at it again. And by "at it again" I mean "There's an artist we admire who currently has a live Kickstarter for their latest project and they were kind enough to let us ask them questions about it and the rest of their work for the better part of an hour". Classic. This week we're here to talk about Agnimu Rehpot's Scribes and Scribbles. Unaware of Agnimu Rehpot's Scribes and Scribbles? Well it's pretty simple: Agnimu Rehpot's Scribes and Scribbles is a universe of wonder and imagination created by artist Mike Maydak and is (currently) set to be a 36 page book full of over 300 original drawings. I say "currently" because as of right now, the Kickstarter is still live with some tasty, newly-announced stretch goals so honestly the sky is the limit for Mike and his book. Be sure to check out the project HERE or find Mike on the various social medias and let him know how rad his work is. Until then, enjoy our chat with Mr. Maydak and his fantastical world of Agnimu Rehpot's Scribes and Scribbles. -Jr.
Direct download: 8.24.2018_Episode337.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:31am EST