Sun, 12 August 2018
In what could be considered one of the largest upsets of the last decade the unthinkable has happened. For the first time since 2010 we failed to make an appearance at the Boston Comic Con. We know. This is both extremely shocking and upsetting. But we're working through it and we're moving on. Since we weren't going to be able to partake in the annual Boston festivities we decided to make it a learning opportunity. A few weeks ago our friend and OMV veteran Colen ventured down to Virginia to attend the 2nd edition of Blerdcon. Being two old men who rarely venture outside of the New England area for conventions Alex and I were eager to hear about Colen's experiences at a show that runs for 72 straight hours without stopping for rest. If listening to us ramble for the next hour has you interested in the show, be sure to check out their site for updates or even take a look at this video made by our old pal Micah for a more visual representation of Blerdcon to go along with Colen's review. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 8.12.2018_Episode_334.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 7:33pm EST