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To say we had a productive ConnectiCon would be putting it lightly. After day one we immediately went back to the studio to chat with game designer Jake Given in what turned into last week's hotness. After day two we had maybe a 2 hour break once we left to get ready for another sit down only this time it was with artist and freelance illustrator Christopher Cayco.

Similar to Jake and Lay Waste Games, Christopher had a table showcasing his arts and talents at this year's ConnectiCon. A veteran of over 100 different conventions, Christopher is no stranger to the con life and even uploads in-depth vlogs on his YouTube channel chronicling his thoughts and experiences throughout each unique show. It's a really neat look into the world of an artist from the other side of the table and we're a bit excited to see what he puts out for ConnectiCon.

Of course, in addition to his video content, Christopher is also a hella talented artist with some absolutely brilliant perspective pieces and character collages. For example: have you ever met anyone who has made a print featuring every single Pokemon that has ever existed? Or how about every Rick and Morty character on one page? Well it's been done and it was done by Christopher. Peep at his Instagram or click the links above for more of his work and check the listing of your local convention for his name. The man has embraced the con life and there's a good chance he'll be popping into a show near you. In the mean time, check out our talk with Chris and learn a thing or two about amazing perspectives and Pokemon.


Direct download: 7.14.2018_Episode_331.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:01pm EST

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