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Our guest this week goes by the name of Savage and let me tell you what Savage's deal is:

He makes rad cosplay.

We first met Savage last year at our favorite backyard convention: ConnectiCon. We were all completely blown away by his original Metapod cosplay design and after seeing Savage pop up in photo albums and cosplay videos across the internet it was clear we weren't the only ones.

Fast forward a few months to Katsucon 2018 and look who pops up in the latest Legend of Micah video. Seeing Savage's updated version of his Metapod design was the last straw: we needed to talk to him and get our learn on. Luckily for us he was more than willing to give us a call and join us on the show to talk about cosplay, conventions, and magnets.

Yes, magnets.



Direct download: 3.4.2018_Episode_311.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:59pm EST

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