Opinions May Vary

Usually when we sit down to talk with someone I have a general idea of the questions I want to ask or the points I want to touch on. Obviously not every minute of every episode is planned out (they don't call us the Kings of Tangents for nothing) (also no one calls us that) but inevitably some unplanned topics or questions always tend to come up as we dive in and get talking.

This week, while talking with Amber Dionne about The Society for Creative Anachronism, I think we may have set a record for "Most questions asked that we didn't know we were going to ask". In other words, talking with Amber about the SCA was absolutely fascinating and every topic we discussed birthed an insatiable hunger to learn more about it.

Check out the episode and you'll see what I'm getting at.



Direct download: 2.16.2018_Episode_309.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 3:50pm EST

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