Sat, 3 February 2018
If there's one lesson I've learned today it's that the Overwatch League is extremely detrimental to my productivity. I guess there's just something about people who are enormously skilled at a videogame that I pretend to be good at with my friends that I find addictive and entertaining. And now there's city-specific teams to root for? With merch? And skins? Come on. But don't worry. I know you're craving that weekly dose of OMV deliciousness and today we've got a great one for you. This week we're joined by freelance/comic artist Jonboy Meyers. A 20 year veteran of the comic and design industry, Jonboy's work can be found in various comics like Royals and Teen Titans and video games like Hearthstone and League of Legends. Of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Jonboy's credits; check out his website HERE to see more. Tune in this week as we sit down with Jonboy and learn about what it takes to make a living in the world of design and illustration. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 2.1.2018_Episode_307.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 4:47pm EST