Opinions May Vary

After doing the whole convention thing for some time now we've kind of nailed down a method to how we cover a show. It might not necessarily be the "right" way of doing it but we've always tried to bring you content and coverage that the everyday con-goer would want to hear about. I think we've done a decent job so far but I never really took the time to consider what might happen if our process had a monkey wrench thrown in it. Sure, there have been hiccups here and there. My camera died at PAX East last year. Alex has bowed out of shows with Colin and Joe filling in for him. But at the end of the day we're still able to get great content and put together with concise recaps for you.

But what about something major? Like covering a show by myself. In a city I've never been to. At a show that, up until last weekend, had never happened before. That's a bit more than a hiccup. And it caused me to change the way I approach covering shows on the fly and to be quite honest: It was tough. I never realized just how much I leaned on my cohorts for support when we talk with developers and test out new games. To be at a show in a foreign place without the guys by my side was a shock to the system to say the least. But, with the non-stop support of my amazing wife (who got to attend her first con!) I was able to remember a few things about the show and even put together a photo album which you can check out HERE.

Hopefully my ramblings this week will give you a good impression of what you can expect to find at any future Unplugged shows. Despite being outside of my comfort zone for the better part of a weekend I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't already thinking about next year's show. Luckily, there's only 131 days until PAX East. Let's keep the countdown going, shall we?



Direct download: 11.25.2017_Episode_297.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 8:05pm EST

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