Opinions May Vary

The title to this episode will make little or almost no sense unless you tune in. And even then it still might escape you. In all honesty I'm having some regrets over the title and I'm starting to get pretty self conscious about it. How about we just move on?

I think I've managed to say "It's not Halloween without _______" at least once per episode this month. But seriously, it's not Halloween until the mastermind behind Decimated Designs Kyle Pasciutti sits in front of our microphone. Kyle has gained a bit of a reputation with his episodes as he always brings someone different with him to talk about various spooky things and this time was no exception. Joining Kyle in his haunting return were his pals Joe and Ricky. With the three of them all being veterans of various haunts and attractions (One of them having even competed in a season of Face Off) it's safe to say the levels of spooky were pretty off the charts this week.

Doesn't get much better than that.



Direct download: 10.23.2017_Episode_292.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 9:34pm EST

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