Sat, 23 September 2017
I'm going to start off with a quick warning as this episode contains some pretty major SPOILERS for a couple different things like Attack on Titan and Yuri on Ice. Either skip ahead to around the halfway mark or get yourself caught up before listening otherwise you might have a bad time. And we don't want you to have a bad time. Now on to the fun stuff. Megan, our favorite niece, is back in studio this week as she and Alex, our favorite uncle, recently returned home from a day trip to the local Camp Anime event that's run by our local comic shop, Matt's Sports Cards and Comics. With this being Megan's first time attending Camp Anime we were anxious to hear about her experiences at a show that, at least to my knowledge, doesn't really have an equal. As a veteran of other shows like ConnectiCon, Megan is no stranger to the con scene. But when it comes to a show dedicated to anime that's also run like a summer camp it can be a little difficult to anticipate what exactly you're going to see there. Maybe you'll see someone dressed as your favorite Dragonball Z character practicing their archery? Or maybe you'll see an entire group of Titan Scouts getting together as they prepare to scale the rock wall? Either way if you're into Anime and you're into camp: You're probably going to have a good time. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 9.20.2017_Episode_288.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 5:33pm EST