Thu, 6 July 2017
For those attending ConnectiCon this weekend (and by this weekend we mean tomorrow...possibly tonight if you're at the Nerd Prom) we put together a nice little preview to get your excitement juices flowing. And don't worry; I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "wow, was "excitement juices" really the best description to use there?" and the answer is: No. Probably not. But, if you're like me and have to spend most of the day stuck at work before you can enjoy a weekend of fun and entertainment than this week's episode should at least help get you mentally prepped for the multi-genre juggernaut known as ConnectiCon. Plus, if you haven't already you can check out last week's episode featuring artist and ConnectiCon 2017 guest Brent Peeples. Rad, right? Also this week we take a metaphorical dive into the world of comic book backissues and dollar-bin finds. You'd be hard pressed to find any comic collector who hasn't at least casually sifted through a longbox of beat up backissues and everyone has their own unique goals and experiences when traveling into the world of comics past. Are you the type of collector looking for the last key issues to complete your full run of your favorite series? Or maybe you're just hunting through the stacks to find that one grail issue that's evaded your grasp for all these years. The best part is that no matter your goals or intentions there really is no wrong way to go about it. Buy what you like, maybe experiment a little, and have some fun. Enjoy! -Jr.
Direct download: 7.6.2017_Episode_277.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:18pm EST