Sat, 27 May 2017
Besides making rad films and being an all-around great person our pal Jared Skolnick has a knack for generating discussion. Every so often he'll post a simple question (usually focused on cinema) that prompts friends and followers to respond with their respective choices. Something along the lines of "Best soundtrack to accompany a fight scene" will garner dozens of responses, video clips, and side conversations and in a world full of people always yelling at each other on the internet, it's a fantastic relief. A few weeks ago Jared posted the following statement: See what I mean? Simple. It's not even a question but it's something that you immediately want to dive into and figure out. A 16 word sentence resulted in an episode almost an hour and a half long. That's longer than some of our multi-day convention review episodes. So yeah, like I said: Jared has a knack for generating discussion. We're just lucky enough to have a way to record it. -Jr.
Direct download: 5.27.17_Episode_271.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 6:58pm EST