Sat, 5 September 2015
We had two deputies from The Hero Army on this week. Doesn't that sound absolutely terrifying??? No worries, though. If you weren't aware The Hero Army is an ever expanding group of cosplayers whose main mission is to "innovate, design, and amaze". In other words they're super talented people who get together at shows, charities, and fundraisers so people can have a great time hanging out with super heroes. Chances are if you've been to a show in the New England area you've probably seen at least one or two of them. If you're lucky you might have even seen a familiar looking Mandarin tagging along... Click HERE to check out their website and click PLAY at the top of the page to listen to Joe and Sam chat with us. It's that simple. -Jr.
Direct download: 9.5.2015_Episode_181.mp3
Category:Comics Movies & Videogames -- posted at: 10:23pm EDT